跨学科, 十大电竞游戏综合排名的课程将自然世界和气候变化纳入其教学和研究. 这些课程允许学生从不同的角度探索和解决人类与自然世界的互动, ranging from the hard sciences to the fine arts.
学生主修 环境科学, 生物学, 城市研究, 人类学, 体系结构, 历史 can all pursue concentrations or tracks that touch on climate, 可持续性, human interaction with the environment. 部门范围包括 经济学 to 剧院 提供额外的课程.
2020-2021年 人类学 Department launched a new Political Ecology track, 为希望从事环境正义相关领域研究的学生设计, 气候变化, 和可持续性. 主要的轨道是建立在强大的理论和方法训练的社会文化人类学.
2020-21年也是十大电竞游戏综合排名新开设的环境人文辅修课程的第一年, 由 Consortium for Critical Interdisciplinary Studies. EHMC将把人文学科和STEM专业的学生聚集在一起,共同关注围绕环保主义的问题, 全球变暖, 土地和水权激进主义, non-human rights intersect with race, 种族, 性别, 和类. EHMC is open to all Barnard students. 请发邮件给教授 雪华铃家禽 有问题的.
Fall 2023 和 Spring 2024 Course Listings
浏览我们的 2023年秋季课程的完整列表 和 2024年春季课程的完整列表 related to environment 和可持续性.
- AHIS-BC3869:地球, 水, 以及美洲当代艺术的反/后和非殖民主义转向这个理论驱动的研讨会关注的是涉及两个原始元素的艺术实践, 土与水, developed in the wake of l和 和 environmental art of the late 1960s–early 70s. 它的中心项目与土地和水的政治在美洲殖民主义的后果, 特别关注那些被殖民项目剥夺财产的人的工作, 土著, 黑色的, 混血儿, 还有其他种族化的, diasporic,/or migrant-descendant artists (i.e. 拉丁美洲人在美国).
- EESC-BC3026:鸟, 植物, 这门课着眼于野生动物(鸟类和植物)对气候变化和土地利用问题的反应,从上一次冰期结束到现在. 案例研究主题为:(1)土地利用与气候随时间的变化:古环境视角, (2)环境变化:入侵植物、鸟类和病原体对当地环境的影响;(3)新热带鸣禽在越冬和繁殖地之间的迁徙:土地利用, 危机与保护.
- ARCH-UN2103-01:建筑设计:环境与调解这门建筑设计工作室课程探讨了可视化的模式, technologies of mediation 和 environmental transformations. 这些探索将被用作建筑分析和设计实验的催化剂. 引入设计方法,使我们能够以新的方式看到和塑造环境的相互作用, 该工作室将专注于建筑如何作为一个调解人——一个协商的中介, alters or redirects multiple forces in our world: physical, 文化, 社会, 技术, 政治等.
- HRTS-BC3851-01: ADV人权与公共卫生我们面临不平等的三重威胁, 气候变化, 还有流行病, the dignity 和 well-being of many people are under attack or at imminent risk. We will be looking at disparate health impacts 和 how to underst和 what drives the disparities; intellectual property laws 和 how they apply during a global crisis; the double-edged sword of digital technology particularly as it applies to health surveillance; the strengths 和 weaknesses of a biomedical model dominating the public health discourse; 和, the politicization of health policy. We will explore systems of oppression that drive inequalities 和 lead to disparate health outcomes; the lack of a transnational accountability framework to address both 气候变化 和 the rights of those most impacted by it; 和 how a corporate-driven intellectual property regime has put access to essential medicines, 包括疫苗, beyond the reach of people living in poverty.
In the spring of 2020 和 2021, the 参与教学法中心 主持了两个以环境为中心的新课程开发和现有课程支持的系列研讨会, 可持续性, 和/或气候变化. 来自多个学术部门的70多名与会者参加了这些会议, 包括生物学, 历史, 英语, 与环境科学.
Barnard's faculty research crosses similar disciplinary boundaries, 在广泛的领域内参与自然和环境的科学和文化概念. 以下是一些亮点:
- Professor of 环境科学, 马丁Stute, focuses his research on water resources, 碳封存, the 社会 和 economic impacts of 气候变化. He is currently involved in a project determining the greenhouse gas footprint of NYC.
- Professor of Professional Practice in 体系结构, Kadambari巴喜使用建筑可视化来检查有毒排放物流和气候正义. She is displaying these multimedia projects in a variety of exhibitions.
- Assistant Professor of Spanish 和 Latin American Cultures, 奥兰多Bentancor, teaches on the emergence of capitalism in sixteenth century Latin America, 特别关注自然的商品化和土著人民向工人的转变之间的关系. 他的著作《世界十大电子游戏平台》(The Matter of Empire)考察了早期殖民地采矿中金属资源的概念.
- 佩奇西, the Claire Tow Professor of 人类学, looks at the relationship between societies 和 their environments. 更具体地说, 她写过关于土著认知实践和保护科学之间的交集, the linkages between environmental conservation 和 international development, the material 和 symbolic ways in which the natural world is understood 和 produced, the aesthetics 和 poetics of human 社会 relations with nature, the creation of commodities 和 practices of consumption.
- Assistant Professor of Women's, Gender 和 Sexuality Studies, 玛丽莎所罗门 看看种族主义的持久性和它的许多物质形式:毒性通过土壤和身体的运动, 堆填区的位置, 浪费的基础设施, the technocratic planning 和 management of 黑色的 life 和 death. 她的工作重点是黑人如何用废物的形式和意义即兴创作,颠覆环境思维——包括赛跑, 分类, 性别ed stewards to whom the earth supposedly belongs.
- Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, 乔纳森·雪, researches the cellular stress responses of honeybees, a species crucial to our agri文化 systems.
- Associate Professor of Professional Practice in 剧院, Goldmark桑德拉她教授设计,主要研究过度消费和浪费的循环经济解决方案. She is the founder of the 社会 enterprise, 修正, which employs theatre artisans to repair household items, re-envisioning repair as a part of a sustainable circular economy. She also serves as Barnard's first Director of 可持续发展与气候行动.
Through the 教务长's Office, faculty have access to 外部融资机会 to support 和 develop their research. 了解更多 关于十大电竞游戏综合排名正在进行的研究,以及学生研究的机会.
女校友, Careers, Internship 机会
Barnard's engagement with climate action does not end at the borders of our campus. Barnard alumnae move on to internships 和 careers in these fields. 我们的职业发展办公室, 世界十大电子游戏平台,帮助学生找到机会,建立他们的简历,并准备面试. Here are a couple of alumnae who have found success in this field:
- 安妮·伦纳德86岁的十大电竞游戏综合排名是美国绿色和平组织的执行董事,也是这本书/动画电影的创作者, 物质的故事.
- 土卫五Suh, Barnard '92, is the former president of the National 资源 Defense Council. She was awarded the Barnard Medal of Distinction in 2018.
- 苏蒋介石, 十大电竞游戏综合排名93, works as Pollution Prevention Director at the Center for Environmental 健康, 她在哪里领导市场激励公司生产对公众健康安全的产品的工作.
- 得到玛 十大电竞游戏综合排名的14日 创立了“山区恢复力项目”,以解决山区普遍存在的贫困和粮食不安全问题. 他们正在努力从内部建立更强大的社区,以应对已经明显的气候变化影响.
- 玛迪泰勒, Barnard '17, is the National Director of Sprout up. She was a founding member of the NYC chapter as a student