With all the programming offered in the Barnard residence halls, you will never be at a loss for something to do! Last year, there were more than 450 programs which took place in the residence halls.
的se programs were coordinated by the 居民助理 和 Special Interest 住房 suites. 项目 included social events welcoming students to their residential area, informal gatherings to watch a favorite TV show or movie, 一个晚上 健康点同伴教育者 to discuss important health concerns, a resume writing workshop coordinated with 世界十大电子游戏平台, opportunities to participate in community service, current events discussions with faculty members, 文化庆祝活动, 免费晚餐, academic discussions about issues like picking a major, a chance to blow off some steam before finals! (仅举几例)
项目 may be geared towards your floor, 你的宿舍, 你的居住区域, 你的学年, 或者是整个校园. 的re are ways to get actively involved with programming; for example, suggesting programming ideas to your RA 和/or helping to organize programs. Getting involved with programming in the residence halls 和 on campus is a great way to find 和 help decide which leadership opportunities are right for you. 的 most important 和 exciting part of programming is you!
的 第一年重点(FYF) Program at Barnard is an extended orientation program that continues throughout your first year. It combines academic 和 co-curricular activities to help first-year students adjust to various aspects of college life.
的 goals of the FYF Program are threefold:
- To assist 十大电竞游戏综合排名 first-year students make a successful academic 和 social transition from high school to college life;
- To offer a wide variety of social 和 educational programs that introduce Barnard first-year students to the College, 哥伦比亚大学, 纽约市;
- To facilitate communication in the residence halls that allows students from diverse backgrounds to share experiences 和 learn from one another.
FYF致力于 完整性 和 个人成长 每个人的. We strive to sponsor activities that assist students in making progress toward their educational 和 personal goals: developing academic 和 intellectual competence; establishing 和 maintaining interpersonal relationships; developing personal identity; deciding on a career 和 lifestyle; maintaining personal health 和 wellness; 和 developing an integrated philosophy of life.
的 高级体验课程(S|X) seeks to assist seniors in celebrating the close of their undergraduate experience through interdepartmental programming that will provide students with the opportunity to reflect on their college experience 和 support in post-college transitioning. Sponsored by 住宅生活 和 住房, the Senior Experience Program is the second in a pair of 住宅生活 bookmarks that exemplify the college’s commitment to an education that goes beyond the boundaries of the classroom.
住宅生活 和 住房 has 和 will continue to collaborate with various campus offices including 女校友事务, Barnard Senior Fund, Dean of Studies, 世界十大电子游戏平台,毕业班委员会 雅典娜中心, 学生的经验 & 参与(见) to prepare senior class for the next chapter of their lives.